our mission

Our goal is to provide resources for the Hospitality Industry. Most individuals, in the kitchen especially, work extremely long hours to provide an experience to others. What the public does not realize is the sacrifices we make; long hours, long weeks, work on holidays, and limited personal time for family and friends.

Combine these factors and it can wear down the average human being. We experience bouts with depression, and a lot of use alcohol and other substances to cope. These issues exist in many industries, and they are particularly rampant in food and hospitality. Anthony Bourdain taking his own life was the first time someone highly regarded outside of our industry made a choice to end their life. For years it’s been common to hear that a line cook or chef has committed suicide. We all have stories of losing someone close to us.

We’ve lost too many beautiful people to depression, substance abuse, and suicide in the Hospitality Industry. People in the industry have become more comfortable with having conversations about these issues. Conversation does not change the issues, the pain, and the suffering.

Now is a time to take action. Culinary Love is here to create awareness about these issues in the Hospitality Industry. We are focused on raising money to support individuals seeking help with depression, mental health, and substance abuse.

Through the clothing line we have created, we will use proceeds to provide resources, mentors, therapy,D and rehab sessions for Chefs and Hospitality Professionals. Most diners don’t realize that Chefs sometimes struggle to pay their bills, let alone take care of themselves. For every item purchased, we will be able to provide the financial assistance Chefs need to take action to heal themselves. Too many Chefs will put others first and sacrifice their own well being. It’s time we change that and take care of them.
