The Healthy Chef Vol 2. Issue 3 - Bryon Freeze

The Hospitality Industry usually leaves some kind of scaring if you aren't careful. I most certainly have mine after 22 years holding various roles in food service. (cook, chef, caterer, food sales to name a few)

As a youngster, I entered fine dining to prove that I belonged. Constantly operating out of fear of failure and desire for acceptance. The mentality of, ‘everyone will find out I have no idea what I’m doing,’ ran the show for a majority of my career. The stronger that fear surfaced, the harder I worked, and immersed myself in food. (Three Ways to Overcome Fear of Failure at Work)

This determination and fear fueled me to have many successes in the industry. The downside? I isolated myself, and medicated with drugs and alcohol. I had little to no balance in life, and missed out on special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, and funerals for those that I cared for and loved. All in the name of proving myself.

Strung out on substances and depressed, I lost my love for food and even contemplated suicide. I dreaded going to work the last year or so of my career. This was all while I was starting to earn accolades in LA and film Food Network shows. Outsiders would expect my life to be great, and I tried my hardest to project that, but I felt nothing but alone and empty.

I walked away from running restaurants in 2014, and it’s why I’m still alive today. I stumbled across selling food, and during that time also attended a Personal Development Weekend. It was an eye opening experience that transformed my life. I realized that I was the author of my life, and the opportunities are endless if you’re willing to step into ownership and accountability of your actions. It’s even where Culinary Love was first born.

Through my experiences in personal development, I met amazing people with shared experiences from all walks of life. I quickly learned we’re all humans, and we’re all dealing with something. Through this new network I’ve been able to explore wellness. It’s my responsibility to take care of myself. Jogging, Hiking, Meditation, Breathwork (Can Breathing Like Wim Hof Make Us Superhuman), and Plant Medicines (9 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants and Herbs) have all made a huge impact on my overall wellbeing. I now focus on being present to the moment, and appreciating life and it’s endless possibilities..

What I do may, or may not work for everyone else. What’s important is we all explore something that works for us; to improve ourselves and our surroundings. It’s also why we created Culinary Love. To create a space for our peers in hospitality to connect, share their stories, and heal. Through healing we can create a better industry for everyone to enjoy and flourish.

*All content found on this newsletter, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this newsletter. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately. The Healthy Chef and/or does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on The Healthy Chef Newsletter. Reliance on any information provided by The Healthy Chef Newsletter, is solely at your own risk.